Home » Hairstyles & haircuts Afro curls with straight bangs Photos of curly Afro hair with sleek straight bangs that add a modern twist to traditional hairstyles. These images showcase the beautiful contrast between the voluminous curls and the smooth, straight bangs for a unique and stylish look. Afro curls Jessica 25 Kat Graham Afro curls Frizzy Ilona Kristina Cherkasova Afro curls African curls Afro curls for full face Kristina Cherkasova Afro curls Zendaya curly Afro wig Afro curls with bangs Layered curly bob Kerli Heir model Danielle Nicole Curly hair Kerli curls bio curl Afro curls Jessica Afro curls on bob Curly hair Afro curls Hannah Curly girls with bangs Kristina Cherkasova afro curls