Home » Pictures Alena Sakhnova Photos of Alena Sakhnova showcase her elegant beauty and captivating presence, capturing moments of her graceful essence in various settings and poses. The images exude a sense of charm and sophistication, highlighting her unique style and aura. Aliona Rapunzel Elena Levkovich Alena Lyukshina Tatiana Strokova and Daniil Sakhnov Aliona Savastova Aliona Lyubimova Aliona Baeva Giraffe. and man Alyona Sakhnova Fairy and Giraffe Alyona Tsekhotskaya Fairies and elves Mila Sakhnova Photographer Akulov Tikholaz Zlata Andreevna Alyona Dakhno Girl with the giraffe Alina Lanina in jeans Giraffe and Feya Girat and Feya Girishka Khudozhka Exhibitions and performances pictures vector Centre of Cultures Higher School of Economics Alyona Kostornaya in ordinary life Alyona Kostornaya Alena Savkina Rapunzel Anastasia Kaunova model Marina Alekseevna Litvinovich