Home » Pictures for kids Cormorant pictures Check out these stunning images of cormorants in their natural habitat - diving in the water, perched on rocks, and spreading their wings to dry. The photos capture the beauty and grace of these fascinating birds up close. Auckland Cormorant Baltic Sea bird Big Cormorant Phalacrocorax Carbo Big Atlantic Cormorant Crested Cormorant Black Sea Cormorant Galapagos Cormorant Subtropical Cormorant Lake Cormorant Cap Cormorant Baklansky Cormorant Baklansky Cormorant on Lake Baikal Baklansky Cormorant. Diver Cap Cormorant King Cormorant Cap Cormorant Black Sea Cormorant Ussuri Cormorant Biguan Cormorant Byguan Cormorant Black Sea Cormorant Black Sea Cormorant Chomga Black Sea Cormorant