Home » Celebrities Gabriel Anwar Check out these stunning images of Gabriel Anwar, showcasing her elegant beauty and timeless style. From red carpet appearances to casual street style, these photos capture the grace and sophistication of this talented actress. Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle. Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar Concierge film 1993 Burn Notice series Gabrielle Anwar Victoria Belfry Margaret Edgington Gabrielle Anwar Smell of a Woman film Gabrielle Anwar Gabrielle Anwar 1992