Hair coloring top light bottom dark Photos showcasing the contrast of light top hair and dark bottom hair, perfect for those looking to achieve a trendy two-toned look. Check out these images for inspiration on how to rock this stylish hair coloring technique!
Dark to light hair colouring Ombre roots dark bottom light Bob Kare haircut colouring Blond colouring with dark strands Dyeing half of the hair from the bottom Majimesh colouring Christina Aguilera in 2000s. x Billy Piper Blonde ash balayage Hidden coloured strands Hidden hair dye lightening Ombré in light shades California chalking A colouring for swarthy girls Two-tone hair dyeing Jennifer’s hair colouring Aniston Peachy millirivigne Colouring on Cascade haircut Beautiful ash hair colour Mulattes with grey hair Russy dyeing Cascade haircut Aurora Italian Light hair colouring Jessica Lopez Creative hair colouring Majimesh tinting