Home » Fashion How to dress if your arm is broken Tips on dressing with a broken arm: photo 1 shows a person wearing a button-up shirt with the unaffected arm through the sleeve, while photo 2 demonstrates how to adapt a jacket by leaving the affected arm out of the sleeve. Plaster on the arm beautiful Bandage on the arm Bandage on the elbow with a fracture Gypsum bandage on the arm with a fracture Bandaged arm of a man Bandage on the arm with a fracture Broken arm in plaster female Gypsum bandage for a fracture Longitudinal fracture of the radius bone. bandages for fractures Photo of a dislocated arm in a girl French arm cast for a child Clothes for a woman with a broken arm Broken Arm Broken Arm Broken Arm Gibs ha ha arm Broken arm at the elbow arm