Home » Animals Hunting dogs are small Small hunting dogs are pictured in various hunting situations, showcasing their agility and skills in tracking game. These images capture the determination and intensity of these pint-sized hunting companions in action. Beagle dog Beagle hound Scottish Beagle Hunting dog Breed of dog Beagle Pointer Pointer Kurzhaar Breed of dog Beagle Gordon-Guardon Breed of dog Beagle Pinscher terrier Kurzhaarkoer spaniel French Beagle Harrier Jack Russell terrierGorkosher Hardhound Jack Russell springer spaniel. spaniel Alpine dachshund Beagle hound English Pointer Kurtshaar German lioness Kurtshaar Dwarf smooth-haired dwarf dachshund Vizla Beagle hound Beagle dog A friendly hunting dog breed Cocker spaniel hunting dog Beagle hunting dog breed Beagle hunting dog breed Setter hunting dog breed Beagle Beagle dog breed