Home » Animals Lykoi cat breed Lykoi cats, also known as werewolf cats, are a rare breed with a unique appearance resembling a werewolf. Their characteristic sparse coat, striking amber eyes, and pointed ears make them captivating and mysterious pets for any cat lover. Lycoi Likoi Cat breed Lycoi Cats Lycoi Cat breed Lycoi Likoi rex Likoi rex Cats Lycoi Cat breed Lycoi Cat breed Lycoi Likoi rex Cat breed Lycoi Likoi cat Likoi cat Cat breed Lycoi Cat breed Lycoi Likoi cat Likoi cat Likoi cat Likoi cat Likoi cat Likoi cat Likoi werewolf cat Likoi cat Likoi cat Likoi cat Likoi rex Likoi cat breedLikoi cat Likoi cat breed Likoi cat breed