Pictures of microslides Here are some images showcasing tiny microslides under a microscope. You can see detailed close-ups of various biological samples and organisms on these slides.
Microscope microdissection of an animal cell under a microscope Microdissection of the epidermis of a geranium leaf Levenhuk n18 ng Microphotograph of an onion root Epidermal skin cell Onion skin cells in a microscope Chloroplasts in an elodea leaf Microdissection of plant tissue Cilicaceae. cells under a microscope Circasone cross section Onion peel cells under a microscope Onion peel cells under a microscope Cell under a microscope Plant cell microdissection under a microscope Zebryne epidermis Styles micrograph Elodea chloroplasts Plant tissue phloem Apical root meristem microscope Neuron histology preparation Metalloconiosis histology Bone tissue microdissection Neuroglia histology Sphagnum leaf cells Microscope onion epidermis cells Under the microscope Cell in the microscope Lamellar emulsion under the microscope Onion epidermis under the microscope Chloroplasts of elodea Tigrolysis histology Micro preparation of white adipose tissue Hyaline cartilage histology Human liver histology preparation under the microscope