Triangle haircut at the back for medium hair Check out these stunning examples of medium-length hair with triangle-shaped cuts at the back. The unique geometric shape adds a modern twist to a classic hairstyle. You'll definitely stand out with this edgy look!
Semicircle haircut for long Gradulated Cascade Foxtail Gradulated Cascade Foxtail Foxtail haircut with filigree Gradulated Cascade Foxtail Foxtail Cascade Foxtail Cascade Ponytail Long hair Semi-circle haircut for long hair Hair trimming for long hair Leach ponytail Semi-circle hair Graded Cascade haircut Leach ponytail 2022 Graded Cascade haircut Foxtail Graduated Cascade Foxtail Scherzinger’s Ladder Haircut Sherzinger’s Ladder Haircut for long hair with bangs Taper Haircut for men from behind Taper Haircut haircut haircut Cascade haircut Foxtail 2022 Long straight hair Foxtail 2021 Graduated Cascade Foxtail Beautiful long hair at the back Forested Cascade filigree haircut Bushy hair