Home » Animals White hare Here are some images of a beautiful white rabbit, with its fluffy fur and bright pink eyes, hopping through a snowy forest. The photos capture the graceful movements and adorable features of this elusive creature in its natural habitat. Hare Squirrel in the tundra Hare Squirrel and Rusak Hare Hare Squirrel in the tundra Hare Squirrel Arctic Squirrel Arctic Squirrel Hare Squirrel in the tundra Hare Squirrel in the tundra Hare Squirrel’s range Arctic Squirrel Arctic Squirrel Polar Hare Hare. Rusak hare Belak Belak Barguzinsky Reserve Belak Arctic Belak in the tundra Arctic Belak Belak Belak in the forest tundra Arctic Belak Belak in the tundra Arctic Belak Belak in the tundra